Mouse House
Practice your Mouse Skills through Games.
Have Fun!
Mouse Practice
Games 1

Games 2

Games 3

Games 4

Games 5
Games 6
Games 7

Games 8

Games 9

The struggle to find an engaging site for students that is easy to use and navigate is difficult. Computer Mouse Practice was created by a Media Specialist to cater to younger students.
Computer Mouse Practice games help beginning computer users learn mouse skills through hand-eye coordination by dragging, dropping, clicking, double-clicking, and scrolling.
Use in the classroom to engage students while practicing mouse skills. Computer Mouse Practice is learner tested and approved.
Bookmark and enjoy in your classroom, library, or even at home with your younger learners.

Clayton Keller
M. Ed
Media Specialist
Keller EdTechcation

Mouse House is maintained and financed by a K-8 Media Specialist. Please consider supporting Mouse House by allowing ads.
Thank You

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This site is not claiming or taking credit to have created the games herewith-in. This site is simply stating that a website was built to allow ease of access for students to enhance their mouse skills.